T'sWare スケジュール管理 フォームソースリスト [スケジュールの作成]フォーム
Private Sub OK_Click()
On Error GoTo OK_Click_Error
Dim dbl30Minutes As Double
Dim dblTimeIncr As Double
Dim dblCurrentTime As Double
Dim dblBeginTime As Double
Dim dblEndTime As Double
Dim intCurrentTime As Integer 'used to test times in aTimeSlots array
Dim intBeginTime As Integer
Dim intEndTime As Integer
Dim dblCurrentDate As Date
Dim dblBeginDate As Date
Dim dblEndDate As Date
Dim fSkipDay As Boolean 'flags used to track various states
Dim fSkipTime As Boolean
Dim fPreviousRecs As Boolean
Dim lngResourceID As Long
Dim lngScheduleId As Long
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me![開始時刻]) Or IsNull(Me![終了時間]) Then
MsgBox "開始時刻と終了時刻を先に入力してください。"
DoCmd.GoToControl "開始時刻"
Exit Sub
End If
If Me![開始時刻].ListIndex >= Me![終了時間].ListIndex Then
MsgBox "終了時刻は、開始時刻よりも後の時刻を指定してください。"
DoCmd.GoToControl "開始時刻"
Exit Sub
End If
If Me![期間自] > Me![期間至] Then
MsgBox "期間至には、期間自よりも後の日付を指定してください。"
DoCmd.GoToControl "開始時刻"
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.Hourglass True
lngResourceID = Me![レンタル商品ID]
dbl30Minutes = TimeSerial(2, 30, 0) - TimeSerial(2, 0, 0)
dblBeginTime = Me![開始時刻].ListIndex * dbl30Minutes
dblEndTime = Me![終了時間].ListIndex * dbl30Minutes
dblTimeIncr = dbl30Minutes * Me![予約単位].Column(0) 'column 0 contains the number of 30 minute time segments in the time increment
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rstSchedule = dbs.OpenRecordset("スケジュール", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rstScheduleDtl = dbs.OpenRecordset("スケジュール詳細")
dblBeginDate = Me![期間自]
dblEndDate = Me![期間至]
dblCurrentDate = dblBeginDate
While dblCurrentDate <= dblEndDate
If (Not SkipThisDay(DatePart("w", dblCurrentDate))) Then
rstSchedule.FindFirst "[レンタル商品ID]=" & Me![レンタル商品ID] & " AND [予定日]= #" & Format(dblCurrentDate, "m-d-yy") & "#"
If rstSchedule.NoMatch Then
rstSchedule![レンタル商品ID] = lngResourceID
rstSchedule![予定日] = dblCurrentDate
lngScheduleId = rstSchedule![スケジュールID]
fPreviousRecs = False
lngScheduleId = rstSchedule![スケジュールID]
End If
fPreviousRecs = isPreviousRecs(lngResourceID, dblCurrentDate) 'sets flag and loads atimeSlots array if applicable
dblCurrentTime = dblBeginTime
intCurrentTime = Me![開始時刻].ListIndex + 48
intBeginTime = intCurrentTime
intEndTime = intBeginTime + Me![予約単位].Column(0)
fSkipTime = False
If fPreviousRecs Then
If isOverlap(intBeginTime, intEndTime) Then
fSkipTime = True
End If
intBeginTime = intBeginTime + Me![予約単位].Column(0)
intEndTime = intBeginTime + Me![予約単位].Column(0)
End If
If fSkipTime = False Then
rstScheduleDtl![スケジュールID] = lngScheduleId
rstScheduleDtl![開始予定時刻] = Format(dblCurrentTime, "hh:mm AMPM")
rstScheduleDtl![終了予定時刻] = Format(dblCurrentTime + dblTimeIncr, "hh:mm AMPM")
End If
dblCurrentTime = dblCurrentTime + dblTimeIncr
Loop Until (dblCurrentTime + dblTimeIncr) > (dblEndTime + 0.01) 'the .01 adds a few minutes to deal with small number precision issues
End If
dblCurrentDate = dblCurrentDate + 1
DoCmd.Close acForm, "スケジュールの作成"
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume OK_Click_Exit
End Sub